Proud recipient of Worldwide ERC.

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 30th, 2021
We are proud to announce that SRS has received the Meritorious Service Award by the Worldwide ERC in recognition of dedicated service and significant professional contributions to the global workforce mobility business community. We want to thank all SRS Team Members for their continuous effort and high level of commitment, this award belongs toeach one […]
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Social distancing measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
The second cycle of social distancing measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 continues in Colombia until June 30. Regional and local leaders have been granted the freedom to gradually resume economic activities in their territories. Currently the government’s priority is to focus on energizing the business sectors. As for air transportation, airports will continue […]
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Mexico continues Phase 3 of coronavirus

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Mexico Mexico continues Phase 3 of coronavirus. On June 1st started the ‘New Normality’, imposed by the Mexican Government, which is based in maintaining the operation of considered essential activities and just in some estates restarting operations of mining, construction, and automobile industries. The ‘New Normal’ includes an epidemiological four-step “traffic light” model that will […]
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The Colombian government announced new COVID-19 measures

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Colombia The Colombian government announced new COVID-19 measures, these measures come after the government consulted with the experts from the Ministry of Health and their assessment of the epidemic curve across various regions in the country. The current stay at home order is extended until May 31st, 2020. The state of emergency continues for 3 […]
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Mexico continues to be on Phase 3 of coronavirus

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Mexico Mexico continues to be on Phase 3 of coronavirus; recently the undersecretary of health Hugo Lopez-Gatell, informed that “serological surveys” will be carried out to recognize the proportion of people who currently has immunity to COVID-19. A serological survey is an interview to recognize certain characteristics: demographic and social but must importantly to acquire […]
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The beginning of the first phase to the “reopening” of Guatemala

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Guatemala The President of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, announced on May 1st, the beginning of the first phase to the “reopening” of the country after 50 days in quarantine on May 3rd. The president’s provision maintains the curfew in force from 6 in the afternoon to 4 in the morning, but also contemplates “the development of […]
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Costa Rica remains in Phase 3 of cotagius by coronavirus

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Costa Rica Costa Rica remains in Phase 3 of contagion by coronavirus, for this reason the country is preparing a treatment from the blood of people recovered from this disease. The initiative is in the hands of the Clodomiro Picado Institute at the University of Costa Rica. According to this center, the treatment is pioneering […]
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México is currently in Phase 3.

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Mexico Mexico is currently in Phase 3. Hugo Lopez-Gatell, informed that the highpoint of the contagion will be on May 6th and will start decreasing, only if the citizenship continues to stick to the sanitary measures, otherwise, this projection could not be fulfilled, therefore, the entire society is urged not to relax the measures of […]
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Stay home until May 25

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
The President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, announced the current stay at home order and state of emergency is extended for a third time from Monday, May 11 until May 25. This is the third extension of the state of emergency which began on March 24, 2020 to slow down the spread of COVID-19, save lives […]
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Ivan Duque announced the current stay at home

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
The President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, announced the current stay at home order and state of emergency is extended until May 11. The president also announced additional economic and social measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as the lifting of certain restrictions and partial opening of the economy: On April 27, some […]
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  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
COVID-19 UPDATE     Mexico     On April 21st, Mexico declared the start of Phase 3, the announcement was made by the undersecretary of health Hugo Lopez-Gatell. He also highlighted that the measures corresponding to this new phase had already been implemented in phase 2, however, there is a new measure, the healthy distance […]
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Colombian President Iván Duque announced the following new orders to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 on April 6, 2020: · – The current stay at home orders are extended from April 13 until Sunday, April 26 at 11:59 pm in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to avoid straining the Colombian health care […]
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  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Mexico’s efforts to stem the coronavirus spread continues, the country is currently in Phase 2, in addition to the official sanitary measures now the government is closing public beaches this Holy Week including Acapulco, Ixtapa, Cancun, and Los Cabos. Furthermore, beaches in the south of the country will be close until April 30. At the […]
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Comunicado COVID-19 México y Centroamérica

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Mexico There are a series of actions taken by the Mexican government most of them contained in the plan “National Program of Healthy Distance” in which the government of Mexico proposed four guiding axes to prevent the spread of the virus in the country between March 23 and April 19: 1.Take basic preventative measures: wash […]
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Comunicado COVID-19 Colombia

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
The following is an updated summary of the Colombian government’s main orders to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 in the country, through today, March 24, 2020:   According to decree 457 of 2020, the Colombian government has enacted a mandatory quarantine throughout the country. The quarantine begins this Wednesday, March 25 at 0:00 a.m. and […]
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  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Mexico has a privileged geographical location that makes it a highly-attractive destination for many sectors, among them, manufacturing and services (specially for automotive and aerospace industries) and after the USA rectification of the USMC in the past months, economists predict an increase in foreing investments this 2020. President Andres Manuel López Obrador had a meeting […]
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
With the growth of the Colombian economy and the emphasis that the government has placed on the development of infrastructure, 2020 presents itself as a year full of major construction projects that will further boost the economy and also generate a favorable scenario for the growth of other sectors. One of the most important projects, […]
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
The city of Cartagena de Indias is internationally recognized as one of the most important tourist destinations in Colombia and Latin America. In addition to having a rich history that is reflected in its gorgeous architecture, the city is also recognized for its festivals, which usually take place during the first months of the year […]
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Last January 30, Donald Trump

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
On January 30th, 2020, Donald Trump, president of the United States signed an implementation law for the USMCA in presence of the Mexican representatives Graciela Marquez and Marcelo Ebrard. This event is the closure for a long process of ratification that lasted more than a year. The ratification of the USMCA agreement will benefit many […]
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
During the last months of 2019, Migración Colombia issued a series of new regulations in Colombia regarding the entry of foreign citizens to the country. One of the most discussed norms is Resolution No. 3167 of 2019, which modified the regulation regarding the Entry and Permanence Permit (Permiso de Ingreso y Permanencia – PIP). The […]
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Views for Mexico investment during 2020

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
Excellent outlooks come with 2020 for the growth of investments in Mexico. According to the estimates of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2020 can have a growth of 1.2%, which contemplates a great difference if one takes into account that the 2019 estimate was 0.2%. These estimates are based on the results […]
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday November 5th, 2019
On October 8th 2019, the Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) for the year 2019, developed by the World Economic Forum, was presented in Geneva, Switzerland. The GCR included the analysis of twelve key indicators to determine the level of competitiveness of 141 economies, that represent 99% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 94% of […]
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  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday November 5th, 2019
In order to connect mexican products to European and Asian markets, while firming up the bonds with the United States, Caxxor Group firm has planned an investment of 944 millions dollars on three port projects in Mexican coasts. National Standard Finance operations, Caxxor Group, in partnership with ACXESA, will begin construction of Puerto Chiapas in […]
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday October 14th, 2019
Colombia is the first country in Latin America to launch the “National Strategy for Circular Economy” (“CE”) with the dual goals conserving the environment while enhancing economic growth. CE consists of a model favoring the 3 R’s “reduce, re-use and recycle” particularly within the current supply chains of goods consumed in the country through the […]
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The Aerospace Valley in Queretaro, Mexico

  • Posted by México
  • On Monday October 14th, 2019
The Aerospace Valley in Queretaro, Mexico, is a pioneer in the industry in the whole country. With a Space Cluster, including Universities, technological schools, investigation and develop centers, maintenance, repair and operations (MNO’s) and production enterprises, this state offers new possibilities for aeronautical and space needs around the world. This type of development exists in […]
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Growth in the Fintech Sector in Colombia

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday September 17th, 2019
Colombia’s Fintech industry is growing at a rapid pace and is expected to be a sector the government will continue to promote and individual and commercial investors will continue to invest in. By way of background, Fintech (a combination of the words “Finace” and “technology”) are companies serving the financial sector using technology to facilitate […]
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Differences between NAFTA and USMCAN

  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday September 17th, 2019
Differences between NAFTA and USMCAN, the new trade agreement between Mexico, USA and Canada. 25 years after the creation of NAFTA, Canada, USA and Mexico have reached a new free trade agreement. This new treaty started with the request of president Donald Trump, who considered the original treaty as “a mess” for his country. The […]
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Colombia strengthens ties with the E.U.

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Friday August 2nd, 2019
The European Union (E.U.) is one of the most important economic and political actors in the world. According to the reports from the International Monetary Fund, four of the ten largest economies in the world, with a combined $18.749 billion USD Gross Domestic Product according to World Bank data, are part of the E.U. The […]
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Monterrey has become a growth point in infrastructure

  • Posted by México
  • On Friday August 2nd, 2019
The city of Monterrey has become a place of great importance at the national level, this due to its constant growth and proximity to the northern country; which makes it a city with a projection for a wide variety of infrastructure and development for its inhabitants. This city has different elements to highlight and especially […]
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New immigration regulations for Venezuelans in Colombia

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday July 23rd, 2019
More than one million Venezuelan citizens apply annually for the issuance or renewal of their passport. These procedures are currently almost impossible to perform because of very high costs, lack of original materials necessary for submission and Maduro’s government’s interest in stopping the departure of Venezuelan nationals. For this reason and in line with the […]
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Dos Bocas Refinery

  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday July 23rd, 2019
Mobility in Mexico is essential, between buses, trucks, cars, motorcycles, trailers, semi-trailers and rigid vehicles circulate about 40 million a day, this implies a very important need for fuel. Diesel, gasoline and vehicular natural gas to name a few. Because the high demand and the high cost of fuel, there is a need to create […]
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The mineral-energy sector in Colombia.

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Thursday June 13th, 2019
Colombia’s economy benefits heavily from its exports of raw materials particularly the from its mining-energy sector. Colombia’s top exports include coal, nickel and gold. These exports are produced in various areas of the country including northern areas such as La Guajira, Cesar and Córdoba. Throughout recent years, the role of mining in Colombia has been […]
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Private equity funds that want to invest in Mexico

  • Posted by México
  • On Thursday June 13th, 2019
Mexico is one of the emerging economies in the world, has a macroeconomic stability that allows the reduction of inflation and interest rates. The agricultural, industrial and service systems have positioned the country’s economy as number 2 in Latin America. The positive numbers that are reflected, the country’s finances and the projects that are being […]
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Traveling the corners of the Magical Towns

  • Posted by México
  • On Monday May 20th, 2019
Mexico is a country full of magic and cultural richness, that attraction is not only in its main cities, but in the small details such as: beautiful landscapes, full of color for their crafts, their cobbled streets, the smell of their food, among others; that you can find in the 121 Magic Towns that you […]
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Colombian emeralds, economic growth engine

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday May 20th, 2019
Emerald stones are a sought-after precious gem, traditionally associated with Colombia. Colombia is one of the main producers and exporters of emerald stones. Today, Colombia is the third largest producer, after Zambia and Brazil, but remains the leader in terms of export sales. Most of the production of Colombian emeralds comes from the department of […]
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Maya Train: Tourist attraction and benefit to the community

  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday April 30th, 2019
The railway line known as “Maya Train”, is the largest infrastructure project of the current government, which will travel 1525 kilometers. Its construction began on December 16, 2018 in Palenque, Chiapas. The cost of the Maya Train will be 150 billion pesos, 10% will be public financing and 90% private. It will also benefit more […]
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New Business Incubator in Colombia: An Opportunity for the Growth of the Economy

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday April 30th, 2019
Bearing in mind the leading role that these types of organizations can play in the growth of a country’s economy, the Colombian government has taken actions to take advantage of these opportunities as part of its policy to promote entrepreneurial culture and strengthen of information technologies. One of the most notable initiatives in this field, […]
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Mexico and its beautiful traditions at Holy Week

  • Posted by México
  • On Monday March 25th, 2019
As it is well known, Holy Week commemorates the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since the eighteenth century the Catholic religion carries out this tradition, considered the most important. Among the activities to be performed during the holy day are Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, the betrayal of Jesus, the washing of feet, the […]
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Colombia bets on science, technology and innovation

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday March 25th, 2019
Historically, Colombia’s economy internationally is most recognized for its export of raw materials. Colombian coffee is so well known it has become almost a symbol for the country. In addition to coffee, Colombia’s economy has also grown due to the exports of oil and minerals. While these exports will continue to be of great, the […]
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February 24th Mexican Flag Day

  • Posted by México
  • On Thursday February 14th, 2019
The Mexican national flag is a symbol of freedom, justice and nationality. Its shield and colors represent the origin, principle, courage and struggle of Mexicans.
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Oil discovery in Colombian department of Meta

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Thursday February 14th, 2019
Last January, the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH) reported the discovery of oil in the Indian well-1x, located in the municipality of Cabuyaro, Meta, in the region of the eastern plains of Colombia.
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SRS Communication Tool

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday February 11th, 2019
In order to achieve a successful international relocation, we use our internal communication tool, a software which makes the process easier.
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Colombia: Global leader in agriculture

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Friday November 16th, 2018
We can highlight as one of the main symbols that identify the country in the international imaginary is coffee, a product that for many years was the main export of the country and today continues to be of great importance in Colombia.
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The Illuminated Villa of Atlixco 2018

  • Posted by México
  • On Friday November 16th, 2018
Visiting this magical Villa is simply an aromatic and multicolor adventure. This place is home to the extraordinary Multicultural Festival of music and dance ¨Huey Atlixcayotl¨
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US Tariffs on Aluminum and Steel, An Opportunity for Colombian Exports

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday October 10th, 2018
Since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, the economic landscape on steel and aluminum imports changed when his administration announced the creation of tariffs. The tariff of 25% on steel imports and 10% on aluminum imports took effect this year.
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Day of the dead in Mexico, autumn 2018.

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday October 10th, 2018
The day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration of pre-hispanic origin, where the deceased are honored, nowadays they also incorporate elements of Catholicism and even modern touches.
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What does Privacy Policy mean?

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday October 10th, 2018
Our privacy policy is designed to protect personal data in order to give you an excellent service. Learn what it is about.
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday September 26th, 2018
After analyzing the situation of the videogames market in Colombia, it can be seen that it presents enormous opportunities for the growth and for foreign investment in the country.
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Presidential elections 2018, Economic impact

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday August 20th, 2018
On May 17, the second round of the presidential elections between the candidates Gustavo Petro and Ivan Duque took place in Colombia, with Duque being the winner with more than 50% of the votes.
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AMLO, President of Mexico 2018.

  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday July 17th, 2018
After several years of running for the presidency of Mexico, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador commonly known as AMLO, finally won the elections this 2018.
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday July 16th, 2018
At the end of May of this year two events took place that for the Colombian, Latin American and international spheres have a strong relevance.
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The automotive industry in Mexico

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 20th, 2018
The automotive industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive in Mexico and it has become one of the most important component in the segment worldwide. Today the Mexican automotive industry becomes the focus of attention on the global scene, the future of the Mexican auto industry largely depends on the renegotiation of NAFTA, […]
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Birdwatching, takes off in Colombia

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday June 20th, 2018
Colombia has a hidden treasure that is becoming an important currency generator. It is about  1,921 species of birds that makes Colombia being the first country in that diversity. This is an undiscovered business that is getting slightly levels of productivitywith the new plan designed by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and Procolombia. […]
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Familiarization Trip

  • Posted by México
  • On Friday March 23rd, 2018
Not just a tour around the city, a Fam Trip, as it is also known, means an entire analysis of the possibilities of the new city.
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Bogota as an ideal investment destination

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Friday March 23rd, 2018
Just as the City has entered the cultural and entertainment agendas, perhaps the most visible face of his progress and versatility has done the same for foreign investors.
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Mexico expects TLCUEM agreement

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday February 14th, 2018
At the end of February 2018, Mexico and the European Union (EU) have the effect of renewing the trade agreement agreed since 1997
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday November 14th, 2017
The history of Chinese migration to Colombia registers four key moments: The first refers to the ancestor century after Chinese migrants arrived in Panama (former Colombian province).
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  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday November 14th, 2017
Mexico is one of the most competitive countries for productive investment at the international level due to its macroeconomic and political stability.
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  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday October 17th, 2017
For a foreign official to try to lease a property in our country can become a real headache but has the advice to avoid problems and waste of time.
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Familiarization Trip

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday August 15th, 2017
One of the main requirements for an executive today is the possibility to change her place of residence.
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Mexico, an option to reach a better future

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday June 14th, 2017
While two of its FTA’s are being renegotiated, Mexico is looking for new investors and commercial partners to strengthen its economy and reach new commercial zones.
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The 10 most prosper cities in Mexico

  • Posted by México
  • On Friday May 12th, 2017
A prosper city is a place where human beings fulfill their aspirations and ambitions. Here is a list of the most developed cities in Mexico.
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Mexico and China, a tactical alliance

  • Posted by México
  • On Monday August 15th, 2016
China is Mexico’s fourth business partner, because of this and the economic recovering, Mexico has began a strategic dialogue to increase its economic ties
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Colombia economic situation

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday August 15th, 2016
As global economy is still fragile, in Colombia, demand continues to adjust to a slowdown in consumption as it reduces inflation, result of transitory shocks.
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Medellin, Innovative City of the Year

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Thursday September 17th, 2015
Medellin, Colombia’s second largest city, has been acknowledged as the Innovative City of the Year by Citigroup, WSJ. Magazine and ULI.
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Moving abroad with your family..

  • Posted by México
  • On Friday June 19th, 2015
When moving abroad with your family you should consider issues as culture, language and formalities to live comfortably in that foreign country.
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Colombia and Foreign Investment

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Monday April 13th, 2015
Colombia has grown a lot and has become an excellent country for foreign investment in Latin America. Know a little bit more about it here.
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Economic background of post-conflict in Colombia

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday March 17th, 2015
Currently, Colombia is attending as a witness and participant in a situation which consequences may be of such a big magnitude that it is necessary to do some reflection about one of them.
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Let us help you

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday February 25th, 2015
Let us help you to organize any procedure you need when it comes to send your personnel abroad. We have the policy administración service.
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A new resolution

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday February 25th, 2015
The Supreme Court declares valid, non refundable taxes for foreigners who are use to live temporarily in Mexico.
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Keep your papers in order

  • Posted by México
  • On Wednesday January 21st, 2015
Concerned for the legal aspects of their move, we support assignees in the process of obtaining their visas, permits, renewals and other documents. See the ways we can help you.
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8 steps to success in a new job at a new country

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday January 21st, 2015
A change of work always represents a whole set of challenges, furthermore if you move abroad to take it. There are a few task that you can make in order to facilitate your adaptation to the new situation. You will be surprised by your own ability to embrace the change.
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Mexico waits for you

  • Posted by México
  • On Thursday December 18th, 2014
In 2015, the greatest cultural festivals and business congresses occurs at Mexico, a country well-known for its hospitality and marvelous landscapes. See our calendar and get a reason to go and learn!
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Schooling Assistance

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Thursday November 13th, 2014
A great concern of the parents that change their location for business is to find a school where their children can develop in a proper way
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Familiarization Trip

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday October 7th, 2014
One of the main requirements for an executive today is the possibility to change her place of residence. Since in many cases the assignee has to move with her spouse and children, Relocation Services arranges Familiarization Trips as part of the assignee’s decision-making process. Not just a tour around the city, a Fam Trip, as […]
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Benefits of working abroad

  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday October 7th, 2014
Working and living in a foreign country can be challenging at first, but after a short period of adjustment, there is a whole new world to discover. More than new places, people and things to learn, working abroad is a great opportunity to grow in many ways. The following are some of the benefits of […]
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Intercultural Training

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Friday August 29th, 2014
If there is anything that makes the adaptation of migrant workers to their new place of residence more difficult is the cultural exchange . How to live properly? Which expressions are appropriate? What words seem completely correct and harmless , but they are not? While there are countries that are known for their warmth and […]
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A better Mexico. Coming soon.

  • Posted by México
  • On Thursday August 28th, 2014
Whoever thinks that change a country is easy, please raise your hand up. It will always be much more comfortable to sit and watch a film and severely criticize it, than being actively involved in any of its multiple processes. Delving deeper into this analogy, “To Improve Mexico” is a great film idea. It’s a […]
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Welcome to México!

  • Posted by México
  • On Friday November 29th, 2013
The end of the year is certainly one of the most interesting times to discover this great country. Megadiverse , megacultural , magical, with a rich diversity of vegetation and animal species, ethnic groups, languages, history and traditions. It is almost imposible to describe it, because the words are not always enough to engage all […]
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Outsourcing and relocation new era

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Wednesday May 30th, 2012
Seamlessly reinvent timely metrics for pandemic partnerships. Compellingly engage leveraged deliverables and resource-leveling systems. Globally revolutionize distinctive customer service for 24/7 resources. Enthusiastically unleash customer directed portals through client-centered initiatives. Seamlessly leverage other’s standards compliant infomediaries rather than market-driven customer service. Assertively productivate integrated methods of empowerment vis-a-vis backward-compatible e-business. Continually build resource-leveling niche markets […]
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Search for housing

  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday May 29th, 2012
Holisticly reconceptualize exceptional applications after revolutionary materials. Synergistically drive user-centric e-commerce whereas value-added strategic theme areas. Appropriately reinvent collaborative architectures and robust sources. Credibly syndicate visionary manufactured products and robust benefits. Professionally e-enable process-centric convergence without mission-critical vortals. Rapidiously extend 2.0 opportunities rather than intermandated opportunities. Efficiently integrate sticky outsourcing with intermandated methodologies. Dramatically repurpose.
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Quick adaptation

  • Posted by México
  • On Tuesday May 29th, 2012
Uniquely pursue holistic networks whereas virtual action items. Dynamically conceptualize enterprise mindshare after client-based users. Dynamically underwhelm optimal value with value-added architectures. Seamlessly engage enterprise experiences via out-of-the-box synergy. Proactively plagiarize synergistic technology for front-end platforms. Phosfluorescently streamline pandemic materials via web-enabled supply chains. Compellingly maintain professional interfaces and bleeding-edge leadership. Rapidiously negotiate e-business schemas.
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Familiarization trip

  • Posted by Colombia
  • On Tuesday May 29th, 2012
Conveniently architect sticky customer service and compelling leadership. Dynamically myocardinate value-added imperatives after parallel web-readiness. Efficiently architect leading-edge methods of empowerment and collaborative platforms. Enthusiastically cultivate timely scenarios whereas value-added networks. Conveniently innovate functional technology whereas premium communities. Distinctively synergize B2C growth strategies before B2B action items. Distinctively repurpose unique technologies vis-a-vis cross-unit e-tailers. Rapidiously.
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