- Posted by México
- On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
On April 21st, Mexico declared the start of Phase 3, the announcement was made by the undersecretary of health Hugo Lopez-Gatell. He also highlighted that the measures corresponding to this new phase had already been implemented in phase 2, however, there is a new measure, the healthy distance increased, from 1.50 meters to 2.25 meters, according to the general guidelines.[1]
Due to phase 3, from April 23rd and until further notice, the government has implemented the following measures:
– All the automobiles are going to stop one day a week depending on the plate number no matter the hologram number they have. This will exclude cabs, ambulances, and cars that are for disabled people. This will only apply from Monday to Friday.
– 20 percent of the subway stations will be closed as well as the Metrobus, this is with the objective of reducing waiting time.
– It is planned to increase cleaning measures of public transportation and public spaces.
– The government will increase the supervision to the companies that hasn’t comply with closing due to the sanitary emergency.
In addition to hygiene measures such as washing hands and keeping ‘their healthy distance’, in some states they implemented the use of face masks mandatory.[2]
On the other hand, the Foreign Affairs Secretary, Marcelo Ebrard, announced that Mexico and USA agree to extent border closings until May 20th.[3]
The Immigration Institute (INM) continues to provide law enforcement and public counter services across Mexico. However, due to reduced staffing, people that need to go to the INM might experience long wait times for routine services. INM recommends monitoring their website for information about their current operating status.[4]
In Mexico City, the App CdMx now has a new function that allows you to know in real time, which of the 54 hospitals in the city has availability, so if you have severe symptoms of Covid-19, you can go directly to that hospital where with certainty they will take care of you.[5]
Costa Rica
On April 11, the Costa Rican government announced some modifications to the current sanitary restrictions that will apply from April 13 to April 30:
• The vehicle daytime restriction will be from 5:00 a.m. at 7:00 p.m. will apply for plates throughout the country, except for the list of exceptions.
• Total vehicle night restriction from 7:00 p.m. at 5:00 a.m., except for the list of exceptions.
Establishments with operating permits that serve the public:
• They may only operate from 5:00 am to 7:00 pm, with a capacity of 50%. On weekends they must remain closed.
• Self-service food and food service subject to vehicle restriction and at a time of 5 a.m. at 7:00 p.m.
• 24 hours home service will work.
• The ferry service will only operate two services a day.
• Public institutions will continue with the basic plan of 20% of essential services, except for all the officials required to attend to the emergency.[6]
The Immigration Administration has announced that tourists and others who stay in the country due to the coronavirus crisis will not be fined when they try to exit Costa Rica. Currently, and continuing until May 15, only Costa Rican citizens, residents, those whose residency is in process, minor children of Costa Rican citizens and foreign diplomats may enter Costa Rica. This restriction applies to land, sea, and air arrivals. Aircrews will not be subject to this restriction.[7]
Puerto Caldera, the main commercial port on the Pacific side of Costa Rica, has also established a protocol for suspected COVID-19 cases.
Foreigners who entered Costa Rica on a tourist visa after December 17, 2019, can legally remain in Costa Rica until May 17, 2020 without lapsing into an irregular immigration status.
Commercial flights between the United States and Costa Rica have ceased, according to the U.S. Embassy. Some airlines have planned to resume operations between the countries in early May, though that’s subject to change.[8]
On 12 April 2020, the Guatemalan Government announced new restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus. People are now required to comply with social distancing of at least 1.5 meters and to use masks in all public spaces. This includes walking in the streets. People that have recovered from COVID-19 and those under quarantine must use masks inside their houses. Those not complying with these measures could face fines and may potentially face civil and criminal charges. Fines range from £700 to £15,000. These measures will be in place from 13 April 2020 until further notice. All previous restrictions remain in place.[9]
Public transport is suspended. All sporting, cultural and social events are prohibited. Religious events that require the presence of people are suspended. All malls, pubs and clubs have been ordered to close. Restaurants can serve delivery orders and drive through options. The sale of alcohol is prohibited between 3pm and 5am. Core businesses, such as banks, petrol stations, pharmacies, and supermarkets, are open. All commercial establishments that can operate will be closed from 9pm to 4am
The Guatemalan Immigration Office also made an announcement on April 6, that non-Guatemalans who entered Guatemala legally using a tourist visa, but who are unable to depart due to the travel restrictions, will be allowed to remain in Guatemala in legal status until the travel restrictions are lifted, even if their 90-day authorization to remain in Guatemala has lapsed at that time.[10]
El Salvador
The Central American country remains in phase 3, mobile booths were also launched for “taking tests, in order to speed up the identification of positive cases.[11]
El Salvador International airport San Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdamez is closed until April 28. The government indicated to international visitors that if their visa is due to expire they can extend it during the curfew without leaving their accommodation by visiting the website of Salvadoran Migration services for foreigners and complete the process once movement restrictions are relaxed.[12]
With the expiration of the state of exception in El Salvador, there is a new government decree which is based on the Health Code, this allows authorities to impose further restrictions in the mobility of the population on the current situation. The decree also includes the enlargement of restrictions on free vehicular traffic and obliges the residents to allow agents of the Ministry of Health to enter the interior of houses, premises or public and private properties, “for the evaluation of sanitary measures to be adopted for the combat the pandemic. “[13]
[1] El Financiero. 2020. México declara el inicio de la Fase 3 de la epidemia de COVID-19. April 21. Accessed April 21, 2020. https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/salud/mexico-declara-el-inicio-de-la-fase-3-de-propagacion-del-covid-19
[2] Marca Claro. 2020. Coronavirus en México hoy: últimas noticias y casos del Covid-19 el 20 de abril. 20 de April. Accessed: 20 de April de 2020. https://www.marca.com/claro-mx/trending/2020/04/20/5e9d30fe22601d46048b460f.html.
[3] Milenio. 2020. Coronavirus en México, 20 de abril: noticias en tiempo real. 20 de April. Accessed: 20 de April de 2020.
[4] US Embassy & Consulates in Mexico. 2020. COVID-19 Information for U.S. Citizens in Mexico. 20 de April. Accessed: 20 de April de 2020. https://mx.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/.
[5] 20 Medio Tiempo. 2020. Coronavirus en México en vivo. April 20. Accessed April 21, 2020. https://www.mediotiempo.com/otros-mundos/coronavirus-mexico-vivo-noticias-20-abril.
[6] Gobierno de Costa Rica. 2020. NUEVAS MEDIDAS DE RESTRICCIÓN APLICARÁN DEL 13 AL 30 DE ABRIL. April 11. Accessed April 20, 2020.
[7] US Embassy in Costa rica. 2020. Información del COVID-19 (Coronavirus). April 20. Accessed April 20, 2020. https://cr.usembassy.gov/es/covid-19-coronavirus-informacion/.
[8] Alejandro Zuñiga, The Tico Times. 2020. Costa Rica extends coronavirus border restrictions until May 15. 20 de April. Último acceso: 20 de April de 2020. https://ticotimes.net/2020/04/20/costa-rica-extends-coronavirus-border-restrictions-through-may-15.
[9] GOV.UK . 2020. Foreign travel advice Guatemala. April 20. Accessed April 20, 2020. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/guatemala/coronavirus.
[10] US Embassy in Guatemala. 2020. FAQs: Health, Safety and Travel during COVID-19 Response in Guatemala. April 18. Accessed April 20, 2020. https://gt.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/253/FAQ-COVID-GT-041820-EngV13.pdf.
[11] El Debate, Mundo. 2020. El Salvador registra 225 contagios de COVID-19 con 7 nuevos casos locales. April 21. Accessed April 21, 2020. https://www.debate.com.mx/mundo/El-Salvador-registra-225-contagios-de-COVID-19-con-7-nuevos-casos-locales-20200421-0121.html.
[12] GOV.UK. 2020. Foreign travel advice El Salvador. April 20. Accessed April 20, 2020. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/el-salvador/coronavirus.
[13] MILENIO. 2020. El Salvador amplia cuarentena por coronavirus. April 18. Accessed April 21, 2020. https://www.milenio.com/internacional/latinoamerica/el-salvador-amplia-cuarentena-por-coronavirus.