Ivan Duque announced the current stay at home
- Posted by Colombia
- On Wednesday June 17th, 2020
The President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, announced the current stay at home order and state of emergency is extended until May 11. The president also announced additional economic and social measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as the lifting of certain restrictions and partial opening of the economy:
On April 27, some sectors of the economy, such as the construction and manufacturing sector, will be allowed to reopen with restrictions. The order maintains sectors reoponing are subject to following all of the ecomendations issued by the Ministry of Health and strict biosecurity measures in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at reopened businesses.
The current restriction on national and international flights continues. The country’s airports are closed except for exigent circumstances such as the transportation of cargo, medical supplies or humanitarian missions.
Public transportation systems are allowed to operate but with strict protocols and capacity is capped at 35%.
Kindergartens, schools and universities will remain closed until May 30.
In some Colombian municipalities where there are no cases of Covid -19, the government has authorized a gradual return to daily activities within the municipality but with restrictions.
Until the end of the state of emergency (May 30), the health, economic, and social situation will continue to be monitired and the government will make decisions on a case to case basis. The government will consider reopening other sectors of the economy if the current lifting of restrictions is successful and the public and businesses comply with all of the preventative measures.