RUTEC: Colombia’s new registration platform
- Posted by Colombia
- On Monday January 14th, 2019
- Colombia, company, RUTEC, Unique Register
The Colombian Ministry of Labor created a compulsory platform for all companies to register foreigners on their payroll called the Unique Register of Foreign Workers in Colombia (“RUTEC”).
The most important objectives of the RUTEC are:
- To create mechanisms for implementing labor and employment policies, plans and programs
- To conduct retrospective and prospective studies on the foreign labor force in Colombia
- To guarantee the labor rights of foreigners in Colombia by identifying companies with foreign workers
RUTEC’s reporting deadlines
All Colombian private sector companies with hired foreign workers must register the foreign workers in the RUTEC platform within a period of not more than one hundred twenty (120) calendar days, counted from the date RUTEC was enacted on October 9, 2018 and requiring full compliance by February 5, 2019.
For newly contracted foreign workers, registration on the platform shall be carried out within a period of not more than one hundred twenty (120) calendar days following the agreement or the contracting of the foreign worker.
Upon completion of the contract of the foreign worker or any modification to the information provided, the Company shall record such modifications within thirty (30) calendar days following the occurrence of the event.
RUTEC does not displace SIRE, Colombia’s existing foreign reporting system
The obligation of foreign companies reporting to the Foreign Information and Reporting System (“SIRE”) of Colombia Immigration will continue because the obligations of RUTEC and SIRE are not exclusive. SIRE requires the reporting of all foreigners who enter Colombia to generate a benefit to a Colombian company, whether it is economic or not. RUTEC instead requires the reporting of foreigners with an agreement or existing contract with a Colombian company.
SRS Colombia advises the human resources departments on how to comply with SIRE and the RUTEC. In addition, it offers immigration services, such as obtaining visas, assisting with paperwork and documentation, coordinating appointments and presentation to the authorities. Additionally, SRS Colombia can assists companies with identification papers for aliens, visas for other countries, legalization and certification of documentation for foreign countries.