- Posted by Colombia
- On Wednesday February 14th, 2018
The so-called “Sultana del Valle” was cataloged by the prestigious Forbes Magazine as the second most interesting city on the planet to live during 2018, surpassing several of the most important capital cities.
Reasonable prices of new or used homes, affordable rentals, more competitive rates in hotels and hostels, and even lower food costs than those of other latitudes, characterize today the economic and social environment in which the capital of the department of Valle moves. Colombia.
An example of this is the lower cost of real estate today, with values much lower than those registered in Medellín, Cartagena and even Pereira, which makes it an attractive city for investors who only settled last year. with 22 new business projects.
According to data from the Invest Pacific agency and with source Kpmg the average square meter of an office in the capital of the Valley last year was US $ 9.6, while in Medellin it was US $ 12.8, Lima US $ 17 and Bogota US $ 19.
Similarly, the operating costs of a company can be between 15% or 20% below those of the capital of the Republic.
More attractive costs
For Carlos Andrés Pérez, Economic and Competitiveness director of the CCC, the important thing about the Forbes ranking is that the comparison is made between several cities in the world with similar standards of quality of life, taking into account not only the cost of living, but also other conditions such as cultural, gastronomic and health offer, among other things. Together with the location of the city, close to the port of Buenaventura, the connectivity infrastructure, the business fabric, the human resource and the quality of life offered by the capital of the Valley, make the city make the difference.
Another advantage is that security has improved, while events such as the Cali Fair and its sporting and salsa events are still another great attraction for tourists. And all at lower costs than those of other Latin American and Colombian cities.
Until the weather
And if climate is concerned, Cali also has its advantages compared to other Latin capitals.
In this regard, Kathleen Peddicord, editor of Live and Invest Overseas, notes that “Early mornings are crisp and perfect to be outdoors. Afternoons can be hot, but as the sun sets, a refreshing breeze travels through the city through the wide green areas, parks, lakes, trees and palm trees that give shade to the streets and the long boulevards “. And if added to this we add the typical cordiality of Cali, it is understood why many families and companies have made the decision to settle in Cali.
Srs Colombia offers all relocation services to expatriates through a team of consultants from Cali, who with their professionalism and warmth make the adaptation to the city very pleasant and quick.