The top 5 Export Mexican Food Products
- Posted by México
- On Friday March 23rd, 2018
Mexico is one of the most important food exporters in the world, getting the 12th place as a producer and the 10th as food exporter.
According to data from the Internet Commercial Information System (SIAVI) and the Bank of Mexico Beer, Avocado, Tomato, Tequila and Berries are the main export Mexican agro-food products,
In the alcoholic beverage sector, Mexico is the 4th Beer producer and the main exporter worldwide. During 2017, 3,768 million dollars were exported to the world.
In addition to Beer, Tequila is one of the products that have remained at the highest level of exports for many years. In 2017 more than 1,265 million dollars of the product were exported.
The second most exported product by Mexico is Avocado; in 2007 sold more than 2,827 million dollars abroad.
One of the vegetables with more exports is Tomato; during 2017, exports left an income of over 1,756 million dollars.
In addition to the above mentioned products we find barries wich have been one of the most exported products highlighting sales of 1 billion dollars in international markets.