Monterrey has become a growth point in infrastructure
- Posted by México
- On Friday August 2nd, 2019
The city of Monterrey has become a place of great importance at the national level, this due to its constant growth and proximity to the northern country; which makes it a city with a projection for a wide variety of infrastructure and development for its inhabitants.
This city has different elements to highlight and especially enjoy, for example: one of its main emblems is the macro plaza, since it has an area of 40 hectares, which is equivalent to 2 times the size of the Red Square of Moscow, five times the size of St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican and six times of the Zocalo in Mexico City.
Currently, and as a measure of growth, fundamental to the mobility system, the construction of a light train from the Monterrey International Airport to the municipality of García is considered to complete the work of the city’s Railway Libramiento.
This project aims to offer service to 850,000 potential passengers; additionally and as stated by Javier Jiménez Espriú, head of the SCT “It would potentially serve a substantial part of the 11 million passengers who annually use the Monterrey International Airport”.
The expected result of these 39 kilometers will be a watershed in the history of rail transport in the state and, above all, in the improvement of connectivity and urban transport.
In addition to the current works to be developed, the capital of Nuevo León recently approved the issuance of the Municipal Public Administration Regulation, which contemplates the creation of the new Secretaria de Infraestructura Vial; in order to restart activities of just over four million square meters of asphalt binder and road engineering throughout the city.
As fundamental pillars of this dependence, it will have six Directorates: Road Engineering and Mobility; of Public Roads; of Municipal Damages; Signaling and Road Devices; Technical and Project; and Administrative, however, it is important to consider that some already existed.
One of the first proposals launched by the new Secretaria will focus on releasing vehicular congestion roads, that is, four high viaducts are intended to be built on Gonzalitos, Morones Prieto, Garza Sada and Nogalar avenues.
The transformation that has crossed the city of the north, has taken it to be placed as a place with growth opportunities for its inhabitants and the rest of the people who can reach the iconic city of our country, without a doubt, it is of the utmost importance changes it has constantly gone through.
Come to us and let us orient you about this and other cities as an option for the arrival of your collaborators from abroad. In SRS Mexico we have a highly qualified staff to provide our integration and adaptation service according to your lifestyle.